These are the slides and notes from the talk "5 FOSS and Edu Projects that Changed the World" given by Karsten Wade and Mel Chua at OSCON 2010 in Portland, Oregon ( You can contat us at (for Karsten) and (for Mel). All materials were created using entirely free and open source tools ( Write and the mgopen-modata font, The slide setup needs to be explained a bit, as the slides are formatted as normal 8.5"x11" sheets of paper rather than standard slide format. It's designed to be used as either a handout or a presentation. When this is given as a presentation, it is displayed as a slide on half the screen, with a microblogging feed of a hashtag (in our case, #5edu) on the other half of the screen to view attendee comments on the presentation. +---------------+---------------+ | | | | | | | | | | Talk slide | | | | #5edu hashtag | | | | | | | +---------------+---------------+ We've included: * a .pdf of the slides and the .odt that .pdf is generated from * a textfile of the presentation notes - IN PROGRESS * the dents gathered under the #5edu hashtag during the original presentation * a .pdf of the slides and notes in handout form, and the .odt that's generated from - IN PROGRESS All content is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (